Thursday, February 25, 2010

lessons from the tree

since i moved to chicago i have become a parent to my first plant. (gotta start somewhere, right?) i remember having a conversation with my boss in august, explaining that i had never owned a plant before and that i wanted to try my hand at it. well, a couple of days later i walk into my office to find a little potted tree with a note attached from my boss. that was the day i owned my first plant.
i have already learned a lot from this little tree. to make a long story short, i had to take my plant home for a while during my training at work. then, a couple of months ago, i decided it was time to bring it back to my office. well, since i am a new 'plant mom,' i didn't really think about the fact that it was 5 degrees outside that morning. (and i decided it was a great day for a starbucks run before work!) so, needless to say, by the time i brought my little tree back to its home, it was droopy and very sad looking. soon, every single leaf fell off and all that was left was the trunk and a few branches. i felt like a failure. yet, for some reason i held out hope that it could come back.
and come back it did. i began to see green buds forming at the end of the branches and eventually a few green leaves formed. now, there are officially 5 sets of leaves and more are forming as we speak. i am so glad that i didn't kill off my first attempt at plant ownership---and i have learned my lesson about transporting greenery during chicago winters!
however, this little guy has not only taught me a lot about foliage, but about lessons about life as well. see, just like my plant, we as humans go through periods of "shock." we aren't prepared for the conditions and we find ourselves wilting away as a result. perhaps it is an unplanned loss, or a crisis of some sort, and before we know it, we feel as if the life is sucked out of us. yet, even when all the external signs say that this is the case--inside of us hope rests under the surface. although we can't see it at the time, new life is forming. it may not look the same as it once did, and it may take a while to break through the exterior...but it is coming.
my plant can attest to that...and so can i.
"forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
see I am doing a new thing!
now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
i am making a way in the desert
and springs in the wasteland." isaiah 43:18-19

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